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Soldiers of the Turkestan Legion in France, c. 1943.
Members of the North Caucasian Legion in France in 1943.

Ostlegionen ("eastern legions"), Ost-Bataillone ("eastern battalions"), Osttruppen ("eastern troops"), and Osteinheiten ("eastern units") were units in the Army of Nazi Germany during World War II made up of personnel from the Soviet Union.[1] They were a large part of the Wehrmacht foreign volunteers and conscripts.



Some members of the Ostlegionen units were conscripted or coerced into serving; others volunteered. Many were former Soviet personnel, recruited from prisoner of war camps. Osttruppen were frequently stationed away from front lines and used for coastal defence or rear-area activities, such as security operations, thus freeing up regular German forces for front-line service. They belonged to two distinct types of units:

  • Ost-Bataillone were composed of various nationalities, raised mostly amongst prisoners of war (POW) captured in Eastern Europe, who had been formed into battalion-sized units, which were integrated individually into German combat formations, and;
  • Ostlegionen were larger foreign legion-type units raised amongst members of a specific ethnic minority or minorities, and comprising multiple battalions.
Uniform of Ukrainian soldier part of Ostlegionen during WW2

Members of Osteinheiten usually faced execution or harsh terms of imprisonment, if they were captured by Soviet forces or repatriated to the USSR by the western Allies.


Russian soldiers performing a traditional dance, 1944.

Ost-Bataillone wore German uniforms and equipment and were integrated into larger German formations. They began as the private initiatives of individual military commanders. Most were utilized on the Eastern Front and in the Balkans.

In 1944, a number of Ost-Bataillone were stationed in northern France, in anticipation of an Allied invasion of Western Europe. Units that fought in Normandy against Allied Operation Overlord were part of the German 243rd and 709th Static Infantry Divisions, positioned in the vicinity of the Utah, Juno and Sword invasion beaches.[2] Ost-Bataillone were also present in southern France, during the Allied landings codenamed Operation Dragoon (August 1944).

Name of unit Size and composition
Ost-Bataillon 664 Composed of volunteers from Ingria. Also known as Finnische Sicherheitsgruppe 187 (Finnish Security Group 187).[3]
Wolgatatarische-Bataillone Composed of Volga-Tatar and Volga-Finn volunteers.

List of Eastern Battalions



Name Formation Location of formation Disbandment Notes Source
7 7th Eastern Battalion December 1944 Poland In April 1945, it was renamed the 7th Russian Battalion and was located in eastern Germany. [4]
134 134th Hetman Battalion 1942 Central Russia 27 November 1943 The unit became the 134th Volunteer Security Battalion in 1942. On 18 November 1942, it was renamed the 134th Eastern Battalion and was still located in central Russia. [5]
308 23rd Volunteer Battalion June 1942 Central Russia Transferred to the 600th Infantry Division in western Germany in February 1945 It became the 308th Eastern Battalion on 8 November 1942. It was renamed the 308th Russian Battalion while in German-occupied Poland in late 1944. [5]


Name Formation Location of formation Disbandment Notes Source
406 6th Volunteer Battalion June 1942 Central Russia It became the 406th Eastern Battalion on 1 November 1942. It was moved to southern France on 28 September 1943. It was renamed the 406th Russian Battalion on 6 July 1944. In northern Italy as of September 1944. [5]
439 39th Volunteer Battalion June 1942 Central Russia October 1944 It became the 439th Eastern Battalion on 8 November 1942. It was sent to Northern France in October 1943. On 19 April 1944, it was made the IV (Eastern) Bn./726th Grenadier Regiment. In eastern France as of August 1944. [5]
446 46th Volunteer Battalion June 1942 Central Russia May 1944 It became the 446th Eastern Battalion on 8 November 1942. It was reformed on 15 January 1943. [5]
551 6th Ukrainian Battalion 17 June 1942 Southern Russia It became the 551st Eastern Battalion on 30 November 1942. Renamed the 651st Eastern Supply Battalion on 1 February 1944. In 1945, it became the 651st Ukrainian Supply Battalion while in western Germany. [5]


Name Formation Location of formation Disbandment Notes Source
601 Berezina Eastern Combat Battalion 1 June 1942 Central Russia Transferred to the Russian 600th Infantry Division in western Germany in October 1944 It became the 601st Berezina Eastern Battalion on 23 October 1942. It became the 601st Eastern Engineer Bridging Battalion in May 1943 while in southern France. Renamed the 601st Russian Engineer Bridging Battalion on 13 July 1944. [5]
602 Dnieper Eastern Combat Battalion 29 April 1942 Central Russia Destroyed in western France on 17 August 1944 It became the 602nd Dnieper Eastern Battalion on 23 October 1942. It was moved to northern France on 5 November 1943. [5]
603 Düna Eastern Combat Battalion 4 July 1942 Central Russia On 30 September 1942, it became the 603rd Düna Eastern Battalion. As of December 1943, it was in Denmark. It became the I Bn./(Eastern) 714th Grenadier Regiment on 30 April 1944. From 22 June 1944, the regiment was called Russian instead of Eastern. In April 1945, it became the I Bn./(Russian) 1604th Grenadier Regiment, still in Denmark. [5]
604 Pripjet Eastern Combat Battalion 14 July 1942 Central Russia May 1943 On 30 September 1942, it became the 604th Pripjet Eastern Battalion. [5]
605 Wolga Eastern Combat Battalion 9 July 1942 Central Russia Transferred to the 600th Infantry Division in western Germany in February 1945 On 5 October 1942, it was numbered as the 605th Wolga Eastern Battalion. In November 1943, it was in northern France. On 14 December 1943, it became the 605th Eastern Engineer Bridging Battalion. On 13 July 1944, it became the 605th Russian Engineer Bridging Battalion, still in northern France.
618 People's Militia Battalion Trutschevsk 21 June 1942 Central Russia Transferred to the 600th Russian Infantry Division in western Germany in November 1944 Aka. People's Defence Battalion Trutschevsk. On 18 November 1942, it was numbered as the 618th Eastern Battalion. It was in Belarus in October 1943, but was moved to northern France in November that same year. The unit was reformed as a motorized battalion on 19 April 1944. [5]
619 People's Militia Battalion Dmitrovsk 21 June 1942 Central Russia November 1943 Aka. People's Defence Battalion Dmitrovsk. On 18 November 1942, it was numbered as the 619th Eastern Battalion. In June 1943, it became a training battalion. [5]
620 People's Militia Battalion Kromy 21 June 1942 Central Russia Aka. People's Defence Battalion Kromy. On 18 November 1942, it was numbered as the 620th Eastern Battalion. In August 1943, it was in Belarus and moved to Northern Italy in November. In February 1944, it became the II Bn./274th Grenadier Regiment. In March 1945, it became the 620th Russian Battalion. [5]
628 I/582nd Volunteer Battalion 30 September 1942 Central Russia Transferred to the 600th Russian Infantry Division in western Germany on 13 December 1944 Renumbered as the 628th Eastern Battalion on 19 November 1942. In November 1943, it was in Belgium. From 19 April 1944, it was the I (Eastern) Bn./745th Grenadier Regiment. During September and November of 1944, it was in Belgium and the Netherlands. [5]
629 II/582nd Volunteer Battalion 30 September 1942 Central Russia 29 September 1944 Numbered as the 629th Eastern Battalion on 19 November 1942. It was in Belarus in October 1943. Moved to Northern France on 25 November 1943. It became the IV (Eastern) Bn./899th Grenadier Regiment on 19 April 1944. [5]
653 410th Russian Security Battalion Summer 1942 Northern Russia Numbered as the 653th Eastern Battalion on 23 October 1942. As of December 1943, it was in Denmark. It became the II Bn./(Eastern) 714th Grenadier Regiment on 30 April 1944. From 22 June 1944, the regiment was called Russian instead of Eastern. In April 1945, it became the II Bn./(Russian) 1604th Grenadier Regiment, still in Denmark.
654 510th Russian Security Battalion Summer 1942 Northern Russia Became part of the 77th Waffen Grenadier Regiment of the SS (30th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS) on 21 October 1944. It became the 654th Eastern Battalion on 23 October 1942. Moved to Southern France in October 1943.
658 181st Estonian Security Battalion August 1941 Northern Russia June 1944 It became the (Estonian) 658th Eastern Battalion on 23 October 1942. [5]
659 182nd Estonian Security Battalion August 1941 Northern Russia June 1944 It became the (Estonian) 659th Eastern Battalion [et] on 23 October 1942. [5]
660 184th Estonian Security Battalion August 1941 Northern Russia June 1944 It became the (Estonian) 660th Eastern Battalion [et] on 23 October 1942. [5]
661 183rd Estonian Security Battalion 20 August 1941 Northern Russia November 1944 It became the (Russian) 661st Eastern Battalion on 23 October 1942. Moved to southern France in November 1943. On April 19, 1944, it became the IV Bn./239th Reserve Grenadier Regiment. [5]
662 185th Estonian Security Battalion September 1941 Northern Russia It became the (Russian) 662nd Eastern Battalion on 23 October 1942. Moved to Denmark in December 1943. On April 30, 1944, it became the III (Russian) Bn./712th Grenadier Regiment. It re-became the (Russian) 662nd Eastern Battalion in September 1944. In April 1945, it became the (Russian) 1605th Grenadier Regiment that was stationed in Denmark. [5]
663 186th Estonian Security Battalion Summer 1942 Northern Russia Transferred to the 600th Infantry Division in West Germany in February 1945 It became the (Russian) 663rd Eastern Battalion on 23 October 1942. Moved to Southern France in December 1943. It became the I Bn./759th Grenadier Regiment on 19 April 1944. In September 1944, the battalion was almost destroyed. [5]
664 187th Finnish Security Battalion Summer 1942 Northern Russia Disbanded in 1944 Numbered as the (Finnish) 664th Eastern Battalion on 23 October 1942. [5]
665 188th Russian Security Battalion Summer 1942 Northern Russia September 1944 Numbered as the (Russian) 665th Eastern Battalion on 23 October 1942. Moved to southern France in October 1943. It became the III (Eastern) Bn/757th Fortress Grenadier Regiment on 19 April 1944. [5]
666 189th Russian Security Battalion Summer 1942 Northern Russia Transferred to the 600th Infantry Division in West Germany in October 1944 Numbered as the (Russian) 666th Eastern Engineering Battalion on 23 October 1942. Moved to southern France in October 1943. It became the IV (Eastern) Bn./932nd Fortress Grenadier Regiment on 19 April 1944. The naming changed on 21 July 1944 to IV (Russian) Bn./932nd Grenadier Regiment. As of August 1944, it was still in southern France. [5]
668 II Bn./16th Irregular Light Regiment 2 October 1942 Northern Russia 17 December 1943 Became the 668th Eastern Battalion on 14 January 1943. It was renamed the

Schnittenheim Eastern Battalion in November 1943.



Name of unit Size and composition
Russian Liberation Army
Known as the "Vlasov Army"; a corps-sized formation composed mostly of Soviet citizens under the command of the former Soviet general Andrey Vlasov.
1st SS Cossack Cavalry Division Cavalry division made up of Cossack volunteers; transferred in 1945 from the Wehrmacht to the Waffen-SS.
Georgian Legion 12 battalions, consisting of ethnic Georgians.
Armenian Legion Eleven battalions consisting of ethnic Armenians.
Azerbaijani Legion Initially, Azerbaijanis were included into Kaukasisch-Mohammedanische Legion until 1942 when a separate legion composed of only Azerbaijanis was formed.
Caucasian-Mohammedan Legion Composed of Circassians, Daghestanis, Chechens, Ingushes, and Lezghins.
North Caucasian and Mountain-Caucasian legions Consisted of Abkhazians, Circassians, Kabardians, Balkars, Karachais, Chechens, Ingushes, Daghestanis, Kurds, Talyshis, and North Ossetians, separated from the Caucasian-Mohammedan Legion in accordance with the order of 19 February 1942.
Turkestan Legion Eight battalions, composed of Turkmens, Uzbeks, Kyrgyz, Tajiks and other Central Asian nationalities; saw action as the 162nd Turkestan Division, in Yugoslavia and Italy.
Idel Ural Legion Composed of volunteers from Idel-Ural peoples including Tatars, Bashkirs, Chuvashes, Udmurts, and Mordvins.
Freiwilligen-Stamm-Division (Regular Volunteer Division) Established in 1944, it consisted of Turkic, Azerbaijani, Georgian, Tatar, Cossack, Armenian and other Soviet volunteers, spread over five regiments. Involved in anti-partisan operations against the French Resistance. Known for the Dortan massacre in July 1944. [6][7][8]

See also



  1. ^ Grasmeder, Elizabeth M.F. "Leaning on Legionnaires: Why Modern States Recruit Foreign Soldiers". International Security. Retrieved 30 July 2021.
  2. ^ Ambrose, Stephen (1997). D-Day, June 6, 1944: the Battle for the Normandy Beaches. London: Simon & Schuster. p. 34. ISBN 0-7434-4974-6.
  3. ^ Sotapäiväkirjat paljastavat hirvittävät julmuudet: Suomen riveissä taistellut inkeriläispataljoona ampui säälimättä siviilejä. Boris Salomon. Iltalehti.
  4. ^ Thomas 2015, p. 10.
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y Thomas 2015, p. 9.
  6. ^ Thomas (2000), p. 11.
  7. ^ Lieb (2007), pp. 61–62, 119, 310, 338.
  8. ^ Kedward (1993), p. 280.

